Learner Satisfaction Survey
As a learner who receives training which is partly or wholly funded by the Skills Funding Agency Employer-Responsive funding stream, we're asking you to take part in a survey.
This is a vital tool for measuring how we provide and deliver quality training and how the training benefits you and your organisation.
The Learner Satisfaction Survey for 2011/12 runs from 19 December 2011 to 25 May 2012.
To log-in to the survey you will need to enter the Oldham College provider number and your Personal Learner ID number.
You can get these numbers from the Green Room, or from your tutor.
Please follow this link to start the survey
This is a vital tool for measuring how we provide and deliver quality training and how the training benefits you and your organisation.
The Learner Satisfaction Survey for 2011/12 runs from 19 December 2011 to 25 May 2012.
To log-in to the survey you will need to enter the Oldham College provider number and your Personal Learner ID number.
You can get these numbers from the Green Room, or from your tutor.
Please follow this link to start the survey