Wednesday, 21 September 2011

2nd Meeting of the Year!

Wow, today's meeting went on for a long time! It started at 2pm and finished at 4pm.
But we did have a full agenda and a lot of things to cover, such as
  • Putting ideas forward for Campaigns and Theme Days - we decided on a campaign that we are going to start
  • Preparing for the Student Union Bi-Elections
  • Games for the Wii
  • Student Hoodies
  • NUS Extra cards (and thats just to name a few of the points that we covered)

We have a lot of work today this year, but most of it will be fun :)
We shall keep you all updated.

If you're interested in joing the Student Union or would like some more information, we shall be in the Green Room Tuesday 27th & Thursday 29th September from 11am - 1pm.

See you there

Bye for now


Monday, 19 September 2011

College ID Checks

No ID!  No Entry
College ID Checks
Today we were involved in the first of the Student and Staff ID Checks.
Basically it's checking ID's and reporting those who do not have their ID's with them.

It may seem harsh but it is in aid of yours, students and staff safety. So it is well worth it.

We teamed up with College Security Team, and manned the refectory entrance asking students for ID's - it was hard work - as some students ignored us, but we persevered and made it through.

Many students did have their ID cards with them, they just didn't have them visible.
So we didn't have to report many students.

We also caught some staff members without their ID!!!!

Remember to wear your ID badges at all times on site.

Bye for now

Farzana & Alishah

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Green Room / College Life Induction

Inductions were held in the Green Room,  the Student Participation Team explained activities that are available within the College.
Enrichment Staff were around the room for students to talk to about what activities you can sign up to.
 Deon and Simon our DJ-ing & Graffiti skills staff, demostrate their skills.
 Coaches for a vareity of sports teams that the college have (the teams are competive)

Learning Mentors were also present with their Virtual Babies, which are available for students to take home for the weekend after Christmas and other information about the service they offer for students.

The NUS Extra Card was very popular - we're looking forward to selling more
than we did last year! :)

It's been a really long day, and we have seen over 500 students.
So bye for now
Alishah & Farzana

First SU Meeting of the Year

We've just got out of our first SU exective meeting, it was long!!!!!
However it was an interesting meeting, we have a very busy year ahead us.
  • Student Hoodies
  • Mini Campaign Days
  • Theme Days
  • NUS Extra Cards
We have even got homework - before we've started back on our courses!!!
Will keep you updated, minutes of out meetings are available on Moodle, under College Life.

Bye for now
